Tools required
Working on the development of the tracker requires the following tools:
- A Java 8 JDK
- Apache Maven 3.1+
Java 8 is required because the tracker uses Nashorn to enable scripting. Most recent operating systems support Java 8.
The packaging system also uses Node.js and a variety of tools to bundle and process the front-end code, but Maven is used to download and install an appropriate version, so you shouldn’t generally need to worry about it.
Useful commands
To run all the tests, package, and prepare the Maven reports:
mvn test package site
To build and run a local tracker server (choose a port you like):
mvn -Djetty.port=9999 jetty:run
Debian packaging
Work in progress To build a Debian package:
mvn deploy -P debian-package
Installation and Launch
There are two ways to install and run tracker: using Docker or by installing it yourself.
Download and install the latest version of Docker and build the container.
sudo docker build -t tracker .
Then you can launch it using the following:
sudo docker run -p 9999:9999 -i -t tracker
Manual installation
The tracker requires Java 8 and Maven 3.1+. Once the dependencies are in place, you can build tracker using
mvn install
The WAR can be deployed on any web server. You can also test it using Jetty.
mvn -Djetty.port=9999 jetty:run
Regardless of whether you use Docker or Maven/Jetty, the tracker will be running at http://localhost:9999. Use admin:admin to access the test data.