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Generic research tracking system

User’s Guide

The tracker is a web-based tool to help a group of people coordinate data for a project. Primarily, it behaves something like a secure version of a Google Docs spreadsheet, allowing many people to edit the same data at the same time, and showing each user changes that are made by others.

There are some significant differences, however:

When you log into the tracker, you’ll see a list of the studies that you are allowed to access. It’ll look something like this:

If you choose one of these listed studies, and one of the views that you’re allowed to see, you’ll get to see the actual study data, which will look something like this:

By default, editing is locked, so you can’t accidentally overwrite data. If you switch the toggle for editing, then, from then on, you can enter data into the cells as you need to.

A couple of extra tools can help you find data that you need:

And that’s the quick start guide for the tracker.

For more information: